Here at YouPlanIt for Curious Minds, through community engagement, we build and strengthen relationships and a sense of belonging for your school community.

Local curriculum design weaves the national curriculum framework into your community's context, to provide rich learning opportunities for ākonga.

Our process supports strong local curriculum design responding to ākonga and whānau needs and aspirations to facilitate learning connections and strengthen partnerships with whānau, hapū, Iwi and community. It includes opportunities for ākonga to learn in and with their community and to contribute to it in ways that build on, and strengthen both community and ākonga capabilities.

A school’s local curriculum is likely to be well-designed when:

  • principals, teachers, ākonga and community can demonstrate how local curriculum design responds to the community needs and aspirations
  • learning is personalised and inclusive; taking into account students' aspirations, interests, identities, languages, and cultures
  • the long view is taken: each student’s ultimate learning success is more important than the coverage of particular achievement objectives
  • it is manageable and realistic.

Our process is responsive to the needs of your school and your community, providing you with a variety of different pathways that get you to where you want to be.

This is an organic process that responds to where you are in your journey and where you want to be.

We start with a blank page along with the Ministry of Education's kete, which allows a process to embed change into your school's culture.

We are doing this with you, not to you. Click here to contact us.